ARB's Annual Report 2016
Joint message from Chair and Registrar
2016 saw more demand from people wishing to join the Register with our numbers reaching over 38,500 by the end of the year. There were also changes in terms of Board elections and appointments, as well as an increase in the work of the Professional Conduct Committee caseload.

Setting objectives
ARB regulates architects in the UK for the benefit of the public. It also supports architects through the setting and maintenance of standards in the profession.
Regulatory policy in the UK seeks to establish a careful balance – protecting the public whilst not placing an undue burden on the profession. This is reflected in ARB’s statutory remit, which is set out in the Architects Act 1997.
Report on delivery of the 2016 Business Plan
The assessment uses the traffic light system to record whether ARB has delivered on the objectives set in the business plan.
Our role
In this section we explain the different elements of our regulatory role and provide an update on the key work of each department during 2016.
Facts & figures
In this section we report on the key registration statistics and provide data regarding the work of the organisation over the last twelve months.
The Architects Act 1997
ARB was established by the Architects Act 1997; our role is to regulate architects in the UK. We are an independent, public interest body and our work in regulating architects ensures that good standards within the profession are consistently maintained for the benefit of the public and architects alike.

Financial information
View this section to read ARB’s audited Annual Report and Financial Statements 2016 as well as information about Board Members expenses and attendance for 2016. You can also view financial highlights here.